What in the box? {As seen in photo #3}. 2x SATA Power 4 connected. 1x Sata Power 3 connect. 3x Peripheral cable 4 connect. 1x 4 pin Peripheral. A pack of zip ties & 4 screws. Be sure to scroll through the photo gallery to see better angles of the item/items on sale. Item/Items comes with everything you see in the photos. I have describe the item to the best of my ability if you any concerns, feel free to ask questions regarding the item/items BEFORE purchasing and i will respond quickly as possible. Once Order is made & Payed for, i will schedule a pick-up for next day. Orders will be package with the up most care & the up-most protection? For best offer, have upon one day or order will be cancelled and relisted? Please recycle the Box?? Help the rock the floats in space?