Corsair AXi Series, AX1500i, 1500 Watt (1500W), Fully Modular Digital Power S

Corsair AXi Series, AX1500i, 1500 Watt (1500W), Fully Modular Digital Power S
Corsair AXi Series, AX1500i, 1500 Watt (1500W), Fully Modular Digital Power S
Corsair AXi Series, AX1500i, 1500 Watt (1500W), Fully Modular Digital Power S
Corsair AXi Series, AX1500i, 1500 Watt (1500W), Fully Modular Digital Power S
Corsair AXi Series, AX1500i, 1500 Watt (1500W), Fully Modular Digital Power S
Corsair AXi Series, AX1500i, 1500 Watt (1500W), Fully Modular Digital Power S

Corsair AXi Series, AX1500i, 1500 Watt (1500W), Fully Modular Digital Power S
Corsair AXi Series, AX1500i, 1500 Watt (1500W), Fully Modular Digital Power Supply, 80+ Titanium Certified. AX1500i is the best enthusiast PC power supply you can own. It provides 1500 Watts of continuous power – even on 115V 15 Amp circuits – and 80 PLUS Titanium certified efficiency of over 94%. Zero RPM Fan mode ensures silent operation at low and medium loads, and the fully modular, low profile cable set makes for easy installation and great-looking builds. Corsair Link integration lets you monitor power usage and efficiency and customize performance, directly from your Windows desktop. The AX1500i lets you have it all, and it’s the power supply you want for your ultra-high performance PC. The best enthusiast PC power supply you can own. 80 PLUS Titanium certified efficiency. Flat black, Low-Profile Modular Cables. Corsair Link Integration for monitoring and adjustment of performance, noise, and OCP settings. Digital Signal Processor (DSP) for delivering extremely clean, efficient power with real-time adjustments. Zero RPM mode for fan less operation at low loads and outstanding noise reduction. Fully Modular low profile cables for easy installation, less clutter, and helps maximize airflow through your computer’s chassis. The item “Corsair AXi Series, AX1500i, 1500 Watt (1500W), Fully Modular Digital Power S” is in sale since Tuesday, June 14, 2016. This item is in the category “Computers/Tablets & Networking\Computer Components & Parts\Power Supplies”. The seller is “davidhugh2010″ and is located in United States. This item can be shipped to United States.
  • Brand: Corsair
  • MPN: CP-9020057-NA

Corsair AXi Series, AX1500i, 1500 Watt (1500W), Fully Modular Digital Power S

Alimentatore 1500W Corsair AX1500i Modular (80+Titanium) CP-9020057

Alimentatore 1500W Corsair AX1500i Modular (80+Titanium) CP-9020057

Alimentatore 1500W Corsair AX1500i Modular (80+Titanium) CP-9020057
Case, cabinet pc desktop. Alimentatore 1500W Corsair AX1500i Modular (80+Titanium) [CP-9020057]. Le foto hanno valore puramente indicativo, fa fede il titolo e il codice ean. I dati contenuti nelle schede tecniche sono forniti direttamente dai produttori. Non siamo responsabili dieventuali inesattezze circa le caratteristiche del prodotto riportate. Per info su caratteristiche e scheda tecnica inviateci un messaggio. Riceverete una risposta in brevissimo tempo! La merce verrà affidata al corriere entro. Giorni lavorativi, a partire dalla data di pagamento. (Lun- Ven con orario di cut-off alle 14:30). Trade Zone accetta diversi metodi di pagamento. Altro (specificato nelle varie inserzioni). Le spedizioni vengono affidate ai migliori corrieri presenti sul mercato, selezionati in base ad attenti criteri di affidabilità e costo, entro le 24 ore successive la ricezione del pagamento. Normalmente il 90% degli ordini pervenuti e pagati entro le ore 14:00 (Dal lunedì al Venerdì) vengono spediti lo stesso giorno. (NB:per conoscere i tempi esatti di resa vi preghiamo di inviarci un messaggio con il codice prodotto o con il link dell’inserzione). Inoltre, tutte le spedizioni vengono sempre assicurate per l’intero importo da voi pagato. Sono possibili diverse modalità di spedizione: da consegne urgenti entro la stessa giornata, a consegne a orario definito il giorno successivo, a soluzioni di consegna rapide nei giorni successivi al ritiro. L’acquirente pertanto è pregato di contattarci per specificare la sua scelta prima del pagamento. In mancanza di precisazioni a riguardo NOI SPEDIAMO CON DHL EXPRESS che prevede la consegna sul territorio italiano entro la fine del giorno lavorativo successivo al ritiro o nella prima giornata disponibile. PER MAGGIORI INFO SUI SERVIZI DI CONSEGNA ESPRESSA IN ITALIA CLICCA QUI. SERVIZIDI CONSEGNA ESPRESSA INTERNAZIONALE. I servizi espressi verso un altro paese con le opzioni di consegna di DHL versatili e affidabili. Dallemergenza dello stesso giorno, attraverso lorario garantito del giorno successivo, alle opzioni del giorno meno urgente. In mancanza di precisazioni a riguardo NOI SPEDIAMO CON DHL EXPRESSWORLDWIDE che prevede la consegna entro la fine del terzo giorno lavorativo successivo al ritiro o nella prima giornata disponibile. PER MAGGIORI INFO SUI SERVIZI DI CONSEGNA ESPRESSA INTERNAZIONALE CLICCA QUI. Tracking can be done by inputting your airway bill number on the DHL or UPS websites. Come da Decreto leg/vo 22/05/1999 N. 185 in materia di contratti a distanza per la tutela del consumatore. E’ possibile restituire gli oggetti acquistati entro 14 giorni dal ricevimento della merce. L’oggetto verrà rimborsato al netto delle spese di spedizione e dovrà essere restiutito integro così come fornito. Non verrà rimborsato il costo del trasporto. NB:per le inserzioni che prevedono la spedizione gratuita verrà calcolato il. Costo del trasporto in base al peso dell’oggetto. Cossto minimo 10.00. Le spese di restituzione sono a carico del cliente. Il prodotto, gli imballi ed il contenuto della scatola devono essere ri. Consegnati come nuovi, integri e privi di difetti. Il prodotto non deve essere utilizzato in modo improprio. Tutti i resi dovranno essere autorizzati da noi. Se il prodotto viene riconsegnato non rispettando i punti 1,2,3,4 e 5verrà rimborsato in misura parziale a nostro insindacabile giudizio in ba. Se alle condizioni di usura del prodotto, degli imballi e del. Contenuto della scatola originale. Vi ringraziamo per la preferenza e la fiducia che vorrete accordarci! Lo staff TradeZone-Bologna info: tradezone. TradeZone si impegna costantemente per mantenere aggiornato il proprio atalogo online, tuttavia a causa del grande numero di articoli propo. Sti può raramente succedere che una determinata referenza non sia p. 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I tempi di sostituzione o eventuale riparazione del prodotto dipendono esclusivamente dalle politiche del produttore e nessun danno può essere richiesto a TradeZone per eventuali ritardi nell’effettuazione di riparazioni o sostituzioni. Nei casi in cui l’applicazione delle garanzia preveda la restituzione del prodotto, il bene dovrà essere restituito dal Cliente nella confezione originale, completa in tutte le sue particompresi imballo ed eventuale documentazione e dotazione accessoria:manuali, cavi, ecc… Er limitare danneggiamenti alla confezione originale, raccomandiamo di inserirla in una seconda scatola; va evitata in tutti i casi l’apposizione di etichette o nastri adesivi direttamente sulla confezione originale del prodotto. Ogni eventuale reclamo dovrà essere rivolto a: Trade Zone c. Servizio Clienti Via E. Zacconi 3 – 40127 – Bologna. Invoice / Fatture / Vat. Tutti i prezzi indicati sul sito sono compresi di IVA. Per le vendite in Italia emettiamo sempre fattura con indicazione separata. Qualora si desiderasse modificare l’intestazione della fattura, partita IVA e dati di fatturazione dovranno essere specificati nello spazio del messaggio di checkout prima del pagamento. Per le vendite all’estero CEE verso aziende che potranno fornire il numero di partita IVA comunitaria del proprio Paese possiamo emettere fatture Non imponibili IVA art 41 DPR 633/72 per l’importo corrispondente al prezzo indicato nel sito scorporato dell’Iva. Per le vendite all’estero EXTRA-CEE verso aziende che potranno fornire il numero di partita IVA del proprio Paese possiamo emettere fatture Non imponibili IVA art. 633/72 per l’importo corrispondente al prezzo indicato nel sito scorporato dell’Iva. In mancanza di queste informazioni, Trade Zone emetterà la fattura utilizzando. I dati forniti dal Cliente. All’atto dell’ordine. La fattura verrà inviata. Al cliente, sia in forma cartacea, unitamente alla merce, sia. 6 – Trade Zone. Creato con il software gestionale Ready Pro. The item “Alimentatore 1500W Corsair AX1500i Modular (80+Titanium) CP-9020057″ is in sale since Wednesday, June 15, 2016. This item is in the category “Informatica\Componenti e parti\Alimentatori”. The seller is “francesco9098″ and is located in Trade Zone – Bologna. This item can be shipped to North, South, or Latin America, to all countries in Europe, to all countries in continental Asia, to Australia.
  • Marca: CORSAIR
  • Brand: CORSAIR
  • MPN: CP-9020057
  • EAN: 0843591030083

Alimentatore 1500W Corsair AX1500i Modular (80+Titanium) CP-9020057

CORSAIR AXi series AX1200i 1200W Digital ATX12V v2.31 and EPS 2.92 SLI Ready Cro

CORSAIR AXi series AX1200i 1200W Digital ATX12V v2.31 and EPS 2.92 SLI Ready Cro
CORSAIR AXi series AX1200i 1200W Digital ATX12V v2.31 and EPS 2.92 SLI Ready Cro
CORSAIR AXi series AX1200i 1200W Digital ATX12V v2.31 and EPS 2.92 SLI Ready Cro
CORSAIR AXi series AX1200i 1200W Digital ATX12V v2.31 and EPS 2.92 SLI Ready Cro
CORSAIR AXi series AX1200i 1200W Digital ATX12V v2.31 and EPS 2.92 SLI Ready Cro
CORSAIR AXi series AX1200i 1200W Digital ATX12V v2.31 and EPS 2.92 SLI Ready Cro
CORSAIR AXi series AX1200i 1200W Digital ATX12V v2.31 and EPS 2.92 SLI Ready Cro

CORSAIR AXi series AX1200i 1200W Digital ATX12V v2.31 and EPS 2.92 SLI Ready Cro
CORSAIR AXi series AX1200i 1200W Digital ATX12V v2.31 and EPS 2.92 SLI Ready Cro. Limit 5 per customer! Orders that exceed listed availability will automatically be voided without notice. Digital ATX12V v2.31 and EPS 2.92. 80 PLUS PLATINUM Certified. 90 – 264 V. CTUVus, CE, CB, FCC Class B, TUV, CCC, C-tick. 1 x ATX Connector 2 x EPS Connector 6 x PCI-E Connector 12 x 4pin Peripheral 16 x SATA 2 x Floppy. Digital Signal Processor (DSP) for delivering extremely clean, efficient power with real-time adjustments. Corsair Link Integration for monitoring and adjustment of performance, noise, and OCP settings. 80 PLUS Platinum Efficiency for lower power usage and energy costs. Fanless operation at low loads, for outstanding noise reduiction. 140mm thermally controlled double-ball bearing fan spins up as needed. Fully Modular low profile cables for easy installation and less clutter. Self-test switch to determine PSU functionality even before installation. Combining the best of both worlds, you will receive the award-winning Newegg customer service that millions of consumers know and enjoy while using a familiar and convenient interface. This listing is currently undergoing maintenance, we apologise for any inconvenience caused. The item “CORSAIR AXi series AX1200i 1200W Digital ATX12V v2.31 and EPS 2.92 SLI Ready Cro” is in sale since Wednesday, May 27, 2015. This item is in the category “Computers/Tablets & Networking\Computer Components & Parts\Power Supplies”. The seller is “newegg” and is located in United States. This item can be shipped to United States.
  • Manufacturer: Corsair
  • Model: CP-9020008-NA/RF
  • MPN: CP-9020008-NA/RF
  • Brand: Corsair

CORSAIR AXi series AX1200i 1200W Digital ATX12V v2.31 and EPS 2.92 SLI Ready Cro

Corsair ax1500i Power supply

Corsair ax1500i Power supply
Corsair ax1500i Power supply
Corsair ax1500i Power supply
Corsair ax1500i Power supply
Corsair ax1500i Power supply

Corsair ax1500i Power supply
In perfect working condition. Maybe 40 hrs total use. This is the seconds time I’m listing this. The item “Corsair ax1500i Power supply” is in sale since Monday, June 13, 2016. This item is in the category “Computers/Tablets & Networking\Computer Components & Parts\Power Supplies”. The seller is “micromammoth” and is located in Brooklyn, New York. This item can be shipped to United States.
  • Brand: Corsair

Corsair ax1500i Power supply

Corsair HXi Series HX1000i 1000 Watt (1000W) Fully Modular Power Supply 80+ P

Corsair HXi Series HX1000i 1000 Watt (1000W) Fully Modular Power Supply 80+ P
Corsair HXi Series HX1000i 1000 Watt (1000W) Fully Modular Power Supply 80+ P
Corsair HXi Series HX1000i 1000 Watt (1000W) Fully Modular Power Supply 80+ P
Corsair HXi Series HX1000i 1000 Watt (1000W) Fully Modular Power Supply 80+ P
Corsair HXi Series HX1000i 1000 Watt (1000W) Fully Modular Power Supply 80+ P

Corsair HXi Series HX1000i 1000 Watt (1000W) Fully Modular Power Supply 80+ P
Corsair HXi Series, HX1000i, 1000 Watt (1000W), Fully Modular Power Supply, 80+ Platinum Certified. Style: HX1000i Brand: Corsair. 80 PLUS Platinum certified efficiency. Flat black, low-profile modular cables. ZeroRPM mode for fanless operation at low loads and outstanding noise reduction. The latest ATX12V v2.4 and EPS 2.92 standards and is backward compatible with ATX12V 2.2, 2.31 and ATX12V 2.01 systems. 4th generation Intel Core processor Ready (Intel Haswell and Z87 motherboards). HXi Series power supplies give you extremely tight voltage control, virtually silent operation, and a fully modular cable set. With all Japanese 105 Degree capacitors, they’re a great choice for high performance PCs where reliability is essential. 80 PLUS Platinum efficiency reduces operating cost and excess heat, and together with Zero RPM Fan Mode technology, gives you virtually silent operation. With Corsair Link Digital support, you can monitor power supply performance, toggle single rail or multi rail mode, and control fan speed directly from your desktop. And, the fully modular, low profile cable set makes builds and upgrades easy, with clean, great-looking results. Up 72 hours for tracking to update. Contact : Feel free to leave us a message and we will get back to you within 24 hours. The item “Corsair HXi Series HX1000i 1000 Watt (1000W) Fully Modular Power Supply 80+ P” is in sale since Wednesday, February 10, 2016. This item is in the category “Computers/Tablets & Networking\Computer Components & Parts\Power Supplies”. The seller is “worldwidedistributor” and is located in US. This item can be shipped to United States, to Canada, to United Kingdom, DK, RO, SK, BG, CZ, FI, HU, LV, LT, MT, EE, to Australia, GR, PT, CY, SI, to Japan, to China, SE, KR, ID, to Taiwan, ZA, TH, to Belgium, to France, to Hong Kong, to Ireland, to Netherlands, PL, to Spain, to Italy, to Germany, to Austria, RU, IL, to Mexico, to New Zealand, PH, SG, to Switzerland, NO, SA, UA, AE, QA, KW, BH, HR, MY, BR, CL, CO, CR, PA, TT, GT, HN, JM.
  • Style: HX1000i
  • Brand: Corsair
  • MPN: CP-9020074-NA
  • EAN: 0843591041157
  • UPC: 843591041157

Corsair HXi Series HX1000i 1000 Watt (1000W) Fully Modular Power Supply 80+ P

Gigabyte Z77x-UD5H Hackintosh Tower With Intel Processor & Corsair Power Supply

Gigabyte Z77x-UD5H Hackintosh Tower With Intel Processor & Corsair Power Supply
Gigabyte Z77x-UD5H Hackintosh Tower With Intel Processor & Corsair Power Supply
Gigabyte Z77x-UD5H Hackintosh Tower With Intel Processor & Corsair Power Supply
Gigabyte Z77x-UD5H Hackintosh Tower With Intel Processor & Corsair Power Supply
Gigabyte Z77x-UD5H Hackintosh Tower With Intel Processor & Corsair Power Supply

Gigabyte Z77x-UD5H Hackintosh Tower With Intel Processor & Corsair Power Supply
See these hackintosh remains. Listing this as for parts or not working since I can’t test it. Here’s the parts. Arctic cooling freezer 13. Corsair hx 650 power supply. Intel core i7-3770K quad core processor 3.5 ghz 8 mb cache Lga 1155. The item “Gigabyte Z77x-UD5H Hackintosh Tower With Intel Processor & Corsair Power Supply” is in sale since Thursday, June 09, 2016. This item is in the category “Computers/Tablets & Networking\Desktops & All-In-Ones\PC Desktops & All-In-Ones”. The seller is “thehappyjoel” and is located in Yellow Springs, Ohio. This item can be shipped to United States, to Canada, to United Kingdom, DK, RO, SK, BG, CZ, FI, HU, LV, LT, MT, EE, to Australia, GR, PT, CY, SI, to Japan, to China, SE, KR, ID, to Taiwan, to Belgium, to France, to Hong Kong, to Ireland, to Netherlands, PL, to Spain, to Italy, to Germany, to Austria, RU, IL, to New Zealand, SG, to Switzerland, NO, SA, UA, AE, QA, KW, BH, HR, MY.
  • Brand: GIGABYTE

Gigabyte Z77x-UD5H Hackintosh Tower With Intel Processor & Corsair Power Supply

Corsair CP-9020008-NA 1200w Ax1200i Atx Power Supply Pwr 80 Plus Platinum

Corsair CP-9020008-NA 1200w Ax1200i Atx Power Supply Pwr 80 Plus Platinum
Corsair CP-9020008-NA 1200w Ax1200i Atx Power Supply Pwr 80 Plus Platinum

Corsair CP-9020008-NA 1200w Ax1200i Atx Power Supply Pwr 80 Plus Platinum
Corsair CP-9020008-NA 1200w Ax1200i Atx Power Supply Pwr 80 Plus Platinum. International Customers: All electronic products are packaged for sale in the US with US voltage. AX1200i Digital ATX Power Supply. Accessory Bag with Mounting Hardware, Cable Ties, and Case Badge. Corsair Link Digital Interface Cable. Corsair Link USB Dongle. Green Compliance Certificate/Authority: 80 Plus Platinum. Country of Origin: China. This item is brand-new, factory sealed. Corsair AX1200i Digital ATX PSU: complete digital control. The revolutionary AX1200i is the first desktop PC power supply to use digital (DSP) control and Corsair Link to bring you an unprecedented level of monitoring and performance customization. The DSP in the AX1200i makes on-the-fly adjustments for incredibly tight voltage regulation, 80 PLUS® Platinum Efficiency, and clean, stable power. Real-time monitoring and control with Corsair Link. Put the AX1200i under your control by connecting it directly to a USB header on your motherboard with the included cable, or to a Corsair Link Commander (available separately). Then, download the free Corsair Link Dashboard software for unrivaled power supply monitoring and control options. 1 x 24-pin ATX Motherboard. 2 x 4+4pin EPS12V. 6 x 6+2pin PCI-E. 12 x 4-pin LP4 Peripheral Device. 16 x Serial ATA. 2 x 4-pin SP4 Floppy Drive.

Corsair AX1200i Digital ATX PSU: complete digital control

The revolutionary AX1200i is the first desktop PC power supply to use digital (DSP) control and Corsair Link to bring you an unprecedented level of monitoring and performance customization. The DSP in the AX1200i makes on-the-fly adjustments for incredibly tight voltage regulation, 80 PLUS® Platinum Efficiency, and clean, stable power.

Real-time monitoring and control with Corsair Link

Put the AX1200i under your control by connecting it directly to a USB header on your motherboard with the included cable, or to a Corsair Link Commander (available separately). 90 V AC to 264 V AC. Number of +12V Rails. Power Factor Correction (PFC). Corsair Ax1200i Digital Atx Power Supply – Atx12v/eps12v – 110 V Ac, 220 V Ac Input Voltage – Internal – Modular – 92% Efficiency – 1.20 Kw (CP9020008NA). Read our full policy. We focus on making purchasing online a pleasant experience. Our sales office is located in beautiful town of Redondo Beach, California, just a few miles South of Los Angeles International Airport. We do not stock any inventory at our sales office. Why are our prices so low? We have modeled our business much like a wholesaler. We sell in huge volume and have streamlined our operations to provide you with the best combination of price and service available anywhere. The item “Corsair CP-9020008-NA 1200w Ax1200i Atx Power Supply Pwr 80 Plus Platinum” is in sale since Tuesday, April 05, 2016. This item is in the category “Computers/Tablets & Networking\Computer Components & Parts\Power Supplies”. The seller is “beachaudio” and is located in United States. This item can be shipped to United States, to Canada, to United Kingdom, DK, RO, SK, BG, CZ, FI, HU, LV, LT, MT, EE, to Australia, GR, PT, CY, SI, to Japan, to China, SE, KR, ID, to Taiwan, ZA, TH, to Belgium, to France, to Hong Kong, to Ireland, to Netherlands, PL, to Spain, to Italy, to Germany, to Austria, RU, IL, to Mexico, to New Zealand, PH, SG, to Switzerland, NO, SA, UA, AE, QA, KW, BH, HR, MY, BR, CL, CO, CR, PA, TT, GT, HN, JM.

  • Brand: Corsair
  • MPN: cp-9020008-na

Corsair CP-9020008-NA 1200w Ax1200i Atx Power Supply Pwr 80 Plus Platinum

Corsair CP-9020074-UK Professional Platinum Series HX1000i ATX/EPS 1000W Powe

Corsair CP-9020074-UK Professional Platinum Series HX1000i ATX/EPS 1000W Powe

Corsair CP-9020074-UK Professional Platinum Series HX1000i ATX/EPS 1000W Powe
Corsair CP-9020074-UK Professional Platinum Series HX1000i ATX/EPS 1000W Power Supply Unit. 1000 W of reliable, continuous power. 80 Plus Platinum certified guarantees 92% efficiency and silent operation. Flat black, low-profile modular cables. High performance design, designed for use in truly remarkable PCs. Guaranteed to deliver clean, stable, continuous power even at a server grade 50 degrees Celsius ambient temperature. The item “Corsair CP-9020074-UK Professional Platinum Series HX1000i ATX/EPS 1000W Powe” is in sale since Friday, June 10, 2016. This item is in the category “Computers/Tablets & Networking\Computer Components & Parts\Power Supplies”. The seller is “mtluk” and is located in GB. This item can be shipped to United Kingdom, to Austria, to Belgium, BG, HR, CY, CZ, DK, FI, to France, to Germany, GR, HU, to Ireland, to Italy, LT, LU, MT, to Netherlands, PL, PT, RO, SK, SI, to Spain, SE, to Australia, to United States, RU, to Canada, to Japan, to New Zealand, to China, IL, to Hong Kong, NO, ID, MY, to Mexico, SG, KR, to Switzerland, to Taiwan, TH.
  • Size Name: 1000W
  • Brand: Corsair
  • MPN: does not apply
  • UPC: NA

Corsair CP-9020074-UK Professional Platinum Series HX1000i ATX/EPS 1000W Powe

Corsair HX850 850W PSU ATX Fully Modular Power Supply SLI & Crossfire Ready

Corsair HX850 850W PSU ATX Fully Modular Power Supply SLI & Crossfire Ready
Corsair HX850 850W PSU ATX Fully Modular Power Supply SLI & Crossfire Ready
Corsair HX850 850W PSU ATX Fully Modular Power Supply SLI & Crossfire Ready
Corsair HX850 850W PSU ATX Fully Modular Power Supply SLI & Crossfire Ready
Corsair HX850 850W PSU ATX Fully Modular Power Supply SLI & Crossfire Ready
Corsair HX850 850W PSU ATX Fully Modular Power Supply SLI & Crossfire Ready
Corsair HX850 850W PSU ATX Fully Modular Power Supply SLI & Crossfire Ready

Corsair HX850 850W PSU ATX Fully Modular Power Supply SLI & Crossfire Ready
Corsair Professional Series HX850 850 Watt ATX 12V Modular Power Supply. The Corsair Professional Series HX850W PSU utilizes advanced DC-to-DC circuitry and meets 80 PLUS SILVER certification standards for up to 90% energy efficiency. Reducing wasted energy and lowering the amount of. Corsair Professional Series power supplies are built using industrial grade electrical. Components, ensuring the stable, clean and reliable voltages that are essential for high-end gaming PCs and workstations. These are professional grade power supplies and have the capability of running SLI and CrossFire. They are a 10 pound power supply. They are built very well and will complete your gaming machine or server. Black Mesh Cable Sleeves. UL, CUL, CE, CB, FCC Class B, TÜV, CCC, C-tick. “Powered By Spoon” established in 2015, is a company that started in a condo basement in Riverlea, Ohio in 2010 and is becoming one of the most respected computer consulting firms in Central Ohio. We are a family owned company operating out of Columbus, Ohio USA. We look forward to your business and are here to help with all of your computer needs. And we stand behind our products. Even though all products are brand new the components are fully tested after construction of the computer. Thanks and don’t forget to view the rest of our items in our store. The item “Corsair HX850 850W PSU ATX Fully Modular Power Supply SLI & Crossfire Ready” is in sale since Tuesday, May 17, 2016. This item is in the category “Computers/Tablets & Networking\Computer Components & Parts\Power Supplies”. The seller is “poweredbyspoon” and is located in Columbus, Ohio. This item can be shipped to United States, to Canada, to United Kingdom, to China, to Mexico, to Germany, to Japan, to France, to Australia, RU, DK, RO, SK, BG, CZ, FI, HU, LV, LT, MT, EE, GR, PT, CY, SI, SE, KR, ID, to Taiwan, to Belgium, to Hong Kong, to Ireland, to Netherlands, PL, to Spain, to Italy, to Austria, IL, to New Zealand, PH, SG, to Switzerland, NO, SA, UA, AE, QA, KW, BH, HR, MY.
  • Form Factor: ATX
  • Max. Output Power: 850W
  • Brand: Corsair
  • MPN: 124255
  • Cooling: 1 Fan
  • Modular: Yes

Corsair HX850 850W PSU ATX Fully Modular Power Supply SLI & Crossfire Ready